Victory SDA Church
Main line: 615-447-8177
- Lay Leader: Alton Cantarutti (615) 573-5036
- Head Elder: Paul Yim (615) 389-6535
- Personal Ministries: Johnny Johnston (978) 696-1751
- Clerk: Barbara Varro (615) 545-4010
- Treasurer: Francis Hubbard (615) 859-0920
- Head Deacon: Steve Varro (615) 594-7890
Inclement Weather?
Call the Head Deacon or Head Elder at the above numbers to see if services are cancelled.
(Saturday) Sabbath Service Times: (Central Time)
Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:55 a.m.
Power hour mid-week Meeting: Tuesday 6:30 p.m.